Ready to Buy? Step One – Choose a Realtor
If you’re ready to buy a home in Chattanooga, first things first – you need to choose a realtor. Trust me, the sooner the better or you’ll find yourself spending hours pouring over those listings trying to figure out what you’re really looking for. Few things are going to impact your home buying experience quite like your realtor will so choose wisely.
All You Have to Do is Ask!
If you’re looking for a good starting point when you need to choose a realtor, all you have to do is ask. Everyone you know knows a realtor (or five). When you ask, though, make sure you’re getting referrals for realtors your friends and family have actually worked with. While it’s nice that everyone wants to promote and support their friends and neighbors as they build their clientele, hands-on knowledge of a realtors’ strengths, weaknesses, and negotiating styles are what you need.
Like a Boss.
When it’s time to choose a realtor, do it like a boss! Interview. Most people recommend you interview at least three realtors, and just like you’re hiring an employee, ask for references and then check them. You want to talk with recent clients and get insider information on why those clients loved their home buying experience (and what they would do differently). Here are some good interview questions to get you started:
- How long have you been a real estate agent?
- What would you say is your specialty (condos, single family, historic neighborhoods, fixer uppers, first-time buyers)?
- Are you a real estate agent FULL-TIME?
- What do you love most about your job?
- What do you know of that’s on the market in my price range? (They should know of something.)
Look in the ‘Hood.
If you know which neighborhood you’d like to buy a home in and have some idea what type of home you’d like, it never hurts to look for an area expert. Many realtors specialize in the area of town they live in. Some focus on the style of homes they love and are experts on new builds, or historic neighborhoods, or condos and townhomes. Check the neighborhoods you’re interested in and look around for any realtors whose signs you see often. Seek out neighborhood community groups (often found on Facebook) and ask for realtor referrals. Talk with people you know who live where you’d like to buy and find out who their realtor was.
Choose A Realtor Wisely.
Like a boss on a mission, choose a realtor wisely. When you’ve found your realtor and bought your new home, make sure you choose your moving company wisely too. Call us when you’re ready and we’ll set you up for a free in home estimate to make your move as smooth as your home purchase was.