The one thing that seems to be consistent during the COVID-19 pandemic is that plans will change. You may have planned to move to a new home within Nashville or across the country. Perhaps you secured a new job or want to be closer to family. You may have recently closed on a new home, before orders were put in place to stay at home. Now you are most certainly wondering, how will coronavirus impact my move?
Stay at Home Orders
Nashville and the state of Tennessee are now under orders to stay at home, to eliminate all but essential travel, at least through April 14. If your upcoming move is necessary, you will need to ensure that you remain within the guidelines issued.
Social Distancing
As you prepare for your move, be sure to maintain social distancing. Basically, you’ll want to leave at least six feet of space between you and anyone else involved. The experts state that if everyone practices social distancing, it will stop the spread of the coronavirus so life can get back to a normal routine.
So, if you had planned on recruiting friends and family members to help you move, that is probably not a wise idea during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rely on professional movers to get your items to your new home safely and securely.
Moving Safely
Professional movers will use extra precautions in moving you during the coronavirus outbreak. They will take extra steps to use the minimal number of people necessary, to keep their distance from you and from each other, and to clean and disinfect your possessions before they are moved.
Expert movers will also screen their crews for the virus, use hand sanitizers and wash their hands frequently, and probably wear masks to protect themselves and you. You should also thoroughly clean and disinfect your new home before your items are moved in.
Changes in Real Estate
The constant, and sometimes unpredictable, changes are also affecting the real estate market. Although interest rates have dropped, fewer homes are on the market as people are uncertain about the environment that we are in now. Real estate agents may not be allowed to show homes, instead opting for virtual tours and phone calls when they cannot hold open houses or meet with potential buyers.
Depending on where you are moving to, you may be able to get an extension on your inspections and closing date. You may even be able to cancel your contract without penalty if you are not able to move because of the COVID-19 impact on your plans.
Monitor the Situation
If you are still searching for your new home in Nashville and are not in a situation where you need to move, it might be wise to reschedule given the current situation. Your health, and the health of others, is much more important right now. If you do need to move, contact your mover as soon as possible to ask, how will coronavirus impact my move?
Whether you are moving or traveling within Nashville or across the country, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) suggests that you ask some important questions:
- Will my travel companion(s) or I be in close contact with others during my trip?
- Are we more likely to get a severe illness if one of us is infected with COVID-19?
- Do I live with someone who is older or has a serious, chronic medical condition, who might be more susceptible to the virus?
Let’s Talk About Your Moving Needs
We understand your concerns, especially given the uncertainty of how the coronavirus will impact your move. If you are in a situation in which you cannot postpone or reschedule your move, within Nashville or across the country, Fox Moving and Storage Nashville wants to reassure you that we will take every precaution necessary to maintain your safety and well-being throughout the process.
Whenever you choose to move, our professional team members will always take care of the details of your move so you can focus on a stress-free process while you anticipate the excitement of settling into your new home. Contact us for more information about your move during COVID-19. Call Fox Moving & Storage Nashville at 615-965-5640 to learn more about our services for your next move.