FOXCARES - July 2019 Non-Profit -, FOX™ Moving and Storage, Experienced, Trained Professional Movers

FOXCARES‘ July Non-Profit has been serving the 50+ community in Middle Tennessee for over 60 years! Each year, they touch the lives of more than 20,000 people with their seven locations and variety of programs. July is your chance to help them enrich the lives of the 50+ community!

$10 of EVERY July Move at Fox Moving and Storage Will Go Directly to FiftyForward!

FOXCARES - July 2019 Non-Profit -, FOX™ Moving and Storage, Experienced, Trained Professional Movers

Who Is FiftyForward?

FiftyForward supports, champions, and enhances life for those 50 and older, and the organization impacts more than 20,000 seniors, family members, and children through its programs, services, and resources in Middle Tennessee.

FiftyForward was established in 1956 and has grown to encompass numerous services and programs in addition to its seven lifelong learning centers in Davidson and Williamson County. The organization offers Supportive Care Services for older individuals, such as Adult Day Services, Care Management (advocating for and connecting people to resources), Care Team, Conservatorship services, the Victory Over Crime program, and FiftyForward Fresh (previously known as Meals on Wheels).

FiftyForward also has a long-standing tradition of offering volunteer opportunities to community members and older adults. In 2018, the organization had 2,500 registered volunteers total who logged over 110,000 hours of service to the communities served by the organization.

How Can You Help FifityForward?

Learn more about FiftyForward and sign up to volunteer on their website. If you’d like to help us in our efforts to support the very valuable work they do, simply book your July 2019 move with us at Fox Moving and Storage. We’ll donate $10 of your move, and every move, directly to Safe Haven as we drive the community forward with every move!

FOXCARES - July 2019 Non-Profit -, FOX™ Moving and Storage, Experienced, Trained Professional Movers