Sometimes you don’t have a choice about the timing of your move. A new job, a family member who needs you closer, or a military transfer can affect your moving plans. Other times, you do have a choice and may decide that December is the best time for your move. Should you move during the holidays?
Holiday Moving Advantages
Between the decorating and the baking, the holidays may seem to be your busiest time of year. However, you probably also have more down time during the holiday season with time off from work and fewer projects and deadlines. This year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, family gatherings and holiday parties should be less prominent as well so you will have more time to plan for your move and do all the things that you need to do for a successful move.
Holiday Moving Disadvantages
The holidays can be a more stressful time of year, as you spend more time searching for just the right gifts, wrapping and mailing presents, and baking and cooking. Adding the normal stress of moving to all of that might not be the best idea but it can be done with the right amount of planning and preparation. The COVID-19 pandemic might also be a disadvantage to a move during the holidays this year, but you can also take precautions that will help you, your family, and your movers stay safe and healthy.
Declutter and Donate
One of the best ways to start planning your move is to decide what you don’t need to move. Take the time to look through closets, dresser drawers, and kitchen cabinets to determine which items no longer fit, are no longer worn, or haven’t been used in years. Likewise, when you plan a move during the holidays, go through your holiday decorations. Do you really want to, or need to, move them all?
The holiday season is a great time to consider donating those unused and unwanted items. During the cold winter months, your warmer clothes are in demand at consignment stores. Toys and other gently used items, such as blankets, would be greatly appreciated by non-profit organizations that distribute them to those in need during the winter.
Be Weather Wise
It gets cold in Nashville in December and it does snow occasionally. Keep an eye on the weather when planning your move during the holidays and take precautions if inclement conditions appear to be likely. Be aware of roads and parking lots that can tend to ice up, particularly if it has rained the day before and temperatures dropped overnight.
De-ice the sidewalk and street in front of your current home and your new home with salt if possible. Check your own vehicle’s wipers and tires and ask the movers to be sure theirs are in good working order. Dress in layers on moving day and pack a suitcase of appropriate clothing for your arrival in your new home, so you don’t have to worry about sorting through boxes of clothes to find sweaters and jackets.
Holiday Greetings and Address Changes
Early in the season, send out holiday cards to friends and family that include your change of address. You can write a short note letting them know you’re moving and when you’ll be in your new home. Then list the address, perhaps even including a photo of your new home to share the seasonal joy of your move.
Take Time to Enjoy the Season
Moving is a stressful life event any time of the year. During the holidays, and especially this year, the challenges can increase. However, you can and should move during the holidays if that is what is best for you and your family. This year, the season is going to be different for almost everyone in the country. Make some new traditions. Don’t try to do everything perfectly. Remember to go easy on yourself and take the time to enjoy the holiday season.
Call Fox Moving and Storage Nashville for Help with Your Holiday Move
The professional movers at Fox Moving and Storage Nashville are here to help make your move less stressful and more successful. Whether you are moving within the greater Nashville area or across the country, our experts will help you plan, pack, move, and unpack, so you can enjoy your new home during the holidays. We take every precaution necessary to maintain your safety and well-being throughout the process. Contact us for more information about your next move. Call Fox Moving & Storage Nashville at 615-770-3000 to learn more about our services and to get a free quote.